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Because of Roses: Ten Stories

Author: Richard May

Genre: Gay, Romance, Short Story, Anthology

Because of Roses by Richard May, published by Spectrum Books

An anthology of ten short, optimistic stories about men meeting other men and exploring relationships with each other, with a focus on racial, age, and background diversity.

Chicken Man: a would-be actor encounters a six-foot tall rooster in Times Square, which leads to sort of an acting gig and romance, also of a sort.

The Green Bench: a businessman hurrying to work passes an older male couple on a park bench every day, until one day one isn't there.

Leprechaun in New York: a young man lusts after a redhead he sees in bars until he goes home with him and the redhead claims he's a leprechaun.

Heart Stealer: based on a Choctaw myth of a creature in the woods who takes human hearts.

From the Sea: a college friend invites a classmate home for the weekend to a house inhabited by his family and the ghost of a drowned Chinese fisherman.

Ticket to Ride: bemused by a makeshift sign offering trips to the past for a nominal sum, a man hurrying by puts his money down. When he returns, his ticket is waiting.

The Cowman and the Farmer Should Be Friends: a lonely dairy farmer resorts to OkCupid to find love.

Picnic in Moscow: a man in Moscow escapes from a Gay bashing and is taken in by an older man his father wants him to marry.

Régalos: a descendant of Cuban boat people returns to Cuba on a professional architectural tour. He's befriended by a mysterious man who turns out to have sinister connections.

Because of Roses: grieving over a dead partner, an attorney accepts a transfer to the London office and begins house hunting in the Cotswolds.

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